Time to Clean House
We are very proud to maintain one of the most diverse selection of premium cigars available. However, in order to keep up with the ever changing tastes of our customers, and the always new offerings of manufacturers we need to push out some of the few remaining inventories on some items. SO: here are some one-shot deals only available while supplies last. Please call or email for assistance. ALL SALES FINAL. NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES. FINAL SALE. (prices do not include tax) 1 box Bahia Gold #3 (20 cigars) $125 1 Box Bahia Gold Maduro Robusto (20) $100 1 box Cullman Cameroon Lonsdale (15) $110 1 box Cullman Connecticut Robusto (15) $110 1 Box Cullman Connecticut Lonsdale (15) $110 THESE CORONAS ARE AMAZING!!! RECEIVED in '2008 Cusano C10 Coronas box/10 $75ea Gispert Toro 10 cigars in cigar mold $40ea Maria Guerrero Toro 10 cigar...