Eight Great Alternatives to the Cigar Aficionado’s Eight Great Cuban Cigars to Buy Now
Recently, the United States eliminated the restrictions on bringing Cuban cigars and rum into the United States when returning to the country from international destinations. Cuban cigars , are among the best cigars in the world. Arguably, they, along with Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras produce the majority of Premium Cigars enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the world. Cigar Aficionado reviews cigars blind, giving ratings and tasting notes to each. CA’s staff has put together a list of “ Eight Great Cuban Cigars to Buy Now ”. Of course, only those fortunate enough to live or travel internationally (or those willing to risk purchasing online and shipping to the US Illegally) are able to try these eight cigars. So, using Cigar Aficionado’s Ratings and Review database , I’ve compiled a list of alternatives, trying to match size, flavor and score as best I can. Here are my: Eight Great Alternatives to the Cigar ...