Beginning on Friday, November 27, 2015 and ending NO LATER than Monday, November 30, 2015 (unless supplies run out earlier). Step 1. Visit the Nat Sherman Townhouse Step 2. Work with one of our Certified Retail Tobacconists Step 3. Select great cigars and merchandise for yourself and friends Step 4. Earn points for every dollar you spend Step 5. Redeem your points for free gifts. Dollars Spent Points Earned $50.00 1 $150.00 3 $250.00 5 $500.00 10 $750.00 15 $1,000.00 20 Points Choice of ONE 1 Single Joel Sherman 75th Celebration Cigar Firebird Torch Lighter Polaris Colibri Key Chain 2-oz Tin of Nat Sherman Pipe Tobacco 3 Nat Sherman Timeless Nicaragua Assortment Colibri Leather 3-Cigar Case Colibri Zephyr Money Clip Jet Line Pipe Lighter $25.00 Nat Sherman Townhouse Gift Card 5 Epoca Cigar Assortment Colibri Stealth 3-Flame Lighter Lotus Table Light...